Public Housing
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers Federal aid to local housing agencies (such as the McAllen Housing Commission) that manage the housing for low-income residents at rents they can afford. HUD furnishes technical and professional assistance in planning, developing, and managing these developments.
The McAllen Housing Commission (McHC) owns and operates 89 Public Housing units at Retama Village, providing subsidized housing to eligible families. The occupancy team works closely with our management team, Mayfair Management Group, to turn units around quickly to provide housing to another eligible family off our waiting list. Together, the teams provide our residents with safe, decent, and sanitary housing.
In addition to providing housing for our residents, McHC also offers opportunities for self-sufficiency through our Resident Services Department. These departments work closely together to provide our families with the resources and tools they need to become self-sufficient.

Retama Village
900 N 26th Street
McAllen, TX 78501